For visitors

Kibo Dojo teaches that if you want to develop in Kendo you need to meet and practice with many different people. Hence, we really like having visitors. Here are some of them Shugyo – 修行

To make it easier to join our Keiko we’ve put together a few useful pointers.

Invitation and arrival

  • Make sure that your own teacher approves as s-/he may have specific plans for your development.
  • If it is your first visit, or if it has been a couple of months since last time, please collect the approval of Kibo Dojo teachers (See Contact) or if you are invited by one of our members please make sure that your friend has checked with the teachers.
  • If you cannot make it to the beginning of the class (due to work, travel etc) do not worry; life is like that sometimes, just do you best.
  • When you arrive at the Dojo you should introduce yourself to the main teacher of the class. Also inform the teacher of any injuries, illnesses or special requirements that may be relevant.


  • Keep you gear on the student side, Shimoza, of the Dojo. If you are not sure which side this is please ask someone.
    If you are 6 dan or higher you will be asked to join the Kamiza side.
  • If the practice starts with Kata (Mondays) you can take of your Do and prepare Bokuto.
  • The order of line up in Kibo Dojo is by: Grade, How long you have had the grade, Age.
    However, the captain (top left) is always a Kibo Dojo member.


  • The training at Kibo Dojo is quite traditional with most of the exercises names in Japanese.
  • You need to be aware of the great spread in age and experience and take care not to injure or rough up any of the other members.
  • Giving technical advice to someone you do not know should be kept at a minimum and, if done at all, it need to be kept short.
    A pretty safe rule is that if you hold a Dan grade and are two levels higher that you training partner, some advice may be OK.
    Advice between good friends are OK but should also be kept short as to not disturb the training.
  • If you do not speak Swedish it is perfectly fine to ask for clarification, either from the other students or from the teacher. Typically it is sufficient to just look around on what the other are doing.


Please check on beforehand if you need to borrow equipment. Shinai and Bokuto is typically not a problem but Keikogi and Bogu may take some planning.

There are, usually, shinai for sale at the dojo but please call ahead to secure availability.

After practice

  • Typically the members do not rush to bow after practice unless they have specific requests. As a first time, or not so frequent, guest however it may be appropriate to greet the teachers that you have trained with and the teacher that has led the class.
  • There may be other clubs using the gymnasium after Kibo Dojo so make sure not to linger too long.

After After practice

Sometimes we arrange an official “After Tsuki” at a nearby restaurant. But there are impromptu After Tsukis many other days too.

Looking forward to seeing you!